Churkina Yulia

Churkina Yulia

Senior teacher


Ms.Churkina started learning English at the age of 8 at an English-specialized school. English was the favourite subject therefore the decision of entering Herzen Pedagogical University the department of foreign languages wasn`t a surprise. High-qualified teachers at the university ignited a passion in their student to grow professionally after graduating. Work at the English-specialized school for 4 years gave a lot of chances for this growth: taking a course of becoming an examiner of the pilot English exam (forerunner of "USE"), teaching schoolchildren  extra English, using Cambridge coursebooks, staging English plays and songs. Then the era of teaching at ITMO came. The section of the English language was set up at the university for teaching General English the smartest ITMO students of  computer technology department. Ms.Churkina got a new chance to grow professionally: she became the university teacher at this section. Nowadays watching webinars, visiting different seminars, reading professional journals help her to be at the cutting edge of what happens in teaching English. Moreover Foreign  Language Training Center at ITMO provides Ms.Churkina with all possibilities of self-improvement as an English teacher.