Shikhova Elizaveta

Shikhova Elizaveta

Teacher of English


Elizaveta holds M.A. degree in Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology (2014-2017), two Graduate Diplomas in Education: Pedagogy and Methodology of Further Education (04/2017 - 06/2017), and English Teacher in Vocational Education (06/2017 - 11/2017); and Band 3 in TKT module 2 and 3.

Since 2015 she works as an English Teacher. She started her career at the Academy of Engineering Imeni Zh.Ya.Kotina in Saint-Petersburg. She is currently working as an English Teacher in Foreign Language Training Center of ITMO University.

At this point she has started her research for the benefit of her future PhD thesis. With the research she plans to investigate how incorporating games, game design and play in the classroom can help educators and learners collaborate with each other, design solutions to problems.

The results of the 1st part of the research were presented at the Visual Arts Creation in Language Education Conference in Malta and at the Language Teaching Tomorrow Conference in Finland in May 2019.